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Monday, December 04, 2006

Why Men Cheat

Today I logged onto SBC Yahoo (or excuse me, it is now AT&T Yahoo) to check my email. At the top of my home page there is a list of the top 4 news stories and articles. At the point that I logged on today, I found myself staring at a title that stated Mystery of the Sexes: 4 Reasons Why Men Cheat.

I clicked on the link because its title intrigued me. I have found that people blog about just about anything. One of those topics being Why Men Cheat. I have always wondered why they cheat. Not that women don't cheat, but in my experience, men have a tendency to cheat more often. When I saw the link that supposedly explains the phenomenon, I began to wonder how they would justify a man's inability to be monogomous.

The reasons that they eventually came up with seem to be excuses--at least to me.

Take for instance their reasoning of a need to fulfill his biology. What kind of reasoning is that? I would like to know where in their biology it says that they are going to cheat.

Now I have taken chemistry and I have studied the cell and the brain and many other parts of the human body, including the deoxyribonucleic acid, otherwise known as DNA. And I am pretty sure that we didn't study the part where a man's DNA comes with the "cheating cell."

I have never been cheated on myself, but I know women that have been, so this blog makes no sense to me. There is no pre-destined reason for a man to cheat, they cheat for reasons that I myself cannot explain, but I highly doubt that it's because their DNA says so.


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